Health Council: noise standard down to 100 decibels

The maximum permitted noise level must be reduced from 103 to 100 decibels. That advises the Health Council on Wednesday. The council is therefore in line with the advice of the World Health Organization (WHO). In practice, this means that the sound in clubs and stages is about half lower. The current covenant containing the standard of 103 decibels will expire at the end of 2023.

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The Health Council wants to continue the current prevention measures, such as campaigns to promote earplugs. The advice takes into account ‘the importance of music experience’ and ‘the value that people attach to (making) music’. The package of measures must prevent hearing damage. The council writes that “hearing damage is irreversible” and “has a major impact on people’s lives.” It can also lead to other complaints, such as sleep and concentration problems and psychological complaints.

If the government adopts the advice, it will be included in the new covenant. The House of Representatives will debate measures to prevent hearing damage on 8 December.
