Health authorities tackle childhood obesity | 1Limburg

The number of overweight and obese children has been increasing for years. That is why various Limburg health authorities are now joining forces to tackle the problem. The whole family is central to this.

In Limburg, 28,000 children are overweight and/or obese. And that also brings other complications such as cardiovascular disease and depression. In addition, the corona years also influenced the lifestyle of children. With the KeiGezond Limburg project, health insurers, municipalities, the province and both Limburg GGDs want to help not only children, but the whole family.

The total picture
“In the past, the approach to obesity was aimed at the child and weight. We are now trying to get a total picture of the family situation. There is often much more than just being overweight in one or more of the children,” explains youth nurse Antoinette Kec of GGD South Limburg. .

Influence of other things
The question of what the family needs is central to the pediatric nurse. To tackle overweight or early obesity, the focus should not only be on the kilos, is KeiGezond’s motto. “In families that ask for help, many things often play a role. Debt, divorce or depression among parents. All these things can stand in the way of a healthier lifestyle,” says Kec.

Help from all sides
Little by little the problem is made smaller so that a solution is found. A family receives help from various specialists. “Very healthy works with what we call chain partners. That can be a pediatrician or a psychologist, but also a sports club and municipality. I have to engage the right people so that we can put a family on a different track together. They have to walk themselves, but I walk with them for a while,” says Kec.

Single Mom Challenge
Stefanie Luxemburg, who has not been living with her four children in Heerlen for very long, has asked the GGD Zuid Limburg for help. Planning is a challenge for the single mother.

“At the moment I work in cleaning. Employers will always ask you to be flexible. As a single mother, that is quite difficult to organize,” says Luxemburg. Her oldest daughter is twelve years old. Jefinaly says she doesn’t think about being overweight very often. She is not bullied at school. “Sometimes I’m on it and sometimes I’m not.”

Standing next to child and parent
Kec discusses their situation: “Look, every parent wants the best for his or her children. It is not always possible to get it right. I never point an accusing finger. It can happen to all of us. I stand next to my work the child and the parent, not above it.”

Guidance for 1300 children
Over the next three years, 1,300 overweight children will be supervised. The kick-off was Wednesday in the provincial house in Maastricht. State Secretary Maarten van Ooijen of Health, Welfare and Sport was also present.

But why are the parties unable to solve the problem individually, but together they are? “Now we are looking at what is needed for the individual. You need different partners to put the child at the center. You are given tailor-made help,” says Van Ooijen in the L1 program L1mburg Central

Healthy food cheaper
There is a lot of product range in supermarkets. The temptation to indulge in high-calorie food is great. “Sugar is the problem. We have to face that. The healthy choice must become cheaper. That is why the cabinet has said that the VAT rate on fruit and vegetables will eventually expire. And unhealthy products will become more expensive,” says the State Secretary. .
