Health Asturias | The journey through three hospitals of a young man from Gijón to have a nail removed from his wrist

10/04/2022 at 08:41


The boy, who suffered an accident at work, had to spend the same day at HUCA and Cabueñes before being operated on in Jove

The gijonian Íñigo Corbato had to go through three asturian hospitals on the same day to have a nail removed from his right wrist 1.5-inch piece of metal that was going through his bone. It all happened last Friday after the 19-year-old suffered an accident at work in a wood company in the city. “We don’t understand why they left him for so long with the object stuck in his arm. They told us that it could have consequences,” cries his mother, Maite Gómez. The accident, as a result of handling a riveter, occurred around 11:30 am. However, it was not until close to night, after having passed through the HUCA and the Cabueñes University Hospital, when they were able to carry out the extraction at the Jove Hospital. “They do not know if they will have to do plastic surgery“, regrets Gómez, who warns that he is already preparing a claim before the Oviedo and Cabueñes health complex for “the treatment received”.

The chronological sequence is as follows, according to the family of the wounded man. Immediately after suffering the accident at work, Íñigo Corbato is transferred by one of his co-workers to the offices of his mutual insurance company in Gijón, for an exhaustive examination of the wound. It is in that place, according to what they say, that he is referred to the HUCA urgently for the extraction of the nail. “We were very surprised that they couldn’t get it out of the HUCA, since they precisely told us in the insurance company that they were referring him to Oviedo to play it safe and not go from one place to another,” says Maite Gómez.

X-ray showing the penetration of the nail into the bone. |

Once in the HUCA, Corbato was treated by at least one traumatologist in the Emergency Department. Nevertheless, nail removal was not possible after trying multiple times, after local anesthesia and wound washing. Given the impossibility of removing the object, from the HUCA, adds the medical report, he was referred to his reference hospital for definitive treatment. “Following the protocol, when making the first observation and verifying that it cannot be extracted, a scheduled surgery is usually done in the event that the doctors so value it. As he was from another health area, for his convenience, they transferred him to Gijón”, explain sources from the Ministry of Health of the Principality of Asturias.

Faced with this situation, Corbato’s mother explains that “at HUCA we warned that the reference hospital was not Cabueñes, but Jove”. “But they didn’t listen and they sent us to Cabueñes,” she adds. It was at that moment that they proceeded to transfer the wounded man, in charge of his father in his private vehicle. Already at the Cabueñes Hospital – around 6:00 p.m. and with the nail causing more and more pain in his right wrist – the medical report explains that, “After washing the wound with abundant serum and proceeding to the corresponding cure, the transfer to the Hospital de Jove is indicated“. A new transfer that once again provokes the family’s anger, since, according to the complaint, “it was at night and he had still had the nail in his arm since morning.” In addition, the mother of the wounded man insists, “we already warned in the HUCA that the reference hospital was Jove and not Cabueñes”. “I don’t understand why they refer us to the one that isn’t when we already knew we had to go to the other one”, he clarifies.

New transfer – also by Íñigo Corbato’s father in his private car – to Jove Hospital, around 8:00 p.m. It is already in this hospital center where the nail is extracted – 3.8 centimeters long – in the emergency room and the young man is subsequently admitted to control the wound. “I think they should have intervened at first in the HUCA, They tell us that there may be some sequel in the arm“, cries the mother, who adds that “now they do not know if they will have to do plastic surgery.”

Despite the removal of the nail, the medical report from the Jove Hospital shows that there were still two small metallic remains inside the arm. “In the mutual they comment that they will have to do a follow-up of the wound to see the evolution of those pieces that it still has in the muscle”, explains Maite Gómez.

After the surgical intervention to which Corbato was finally able to undergo, the young man was admitted to Jove, where he remained until Sunday “for having spent so many hours with the goal nailed,” laments the young man’s mother. With the boy already at his home and with a view to being summoned for future check-ups to control the wound caused by the nail, the mother assures that she is already preparing claims to the HUCA and the Cabueñes Hospital for the treatment received. .
