Headbanging and crowdsurfing: kids learn rock ‘n roll | 1Limburg

From crowd surfing to stage diving and from playing air guitar to singing along and dancing. Monday morning students from various primary schools in Venlo had practical lessons in the fundamentals of rock ‘n roll.

At pop stage Grenswerk, a real rock concert was organized for Venlo children between the ages of 8 and 12.

Bennie and the Beuzelband
“Many of the young children have never experienced a rock concert, so it is special to introduce them to it,” says Roy Smolenaars. The musician performs with his Beuzelband under the stage name Bennie van Gister.

The act is a child-friendly version of Smolenaars’ band Memphis Maniacs.

It suits the youth well, confirms Smolenaars, dressed in the outfit of his alter ego. “This is it, red cheeks from sweating, jumping, crowd surfing, playing air guitar.”
