head first into the river, comment on the situation

Teemu Nurmio has surprised again with his diving.

Teemu Nurmio has played four East-West matches in his career. Tomi Natri / AOP

Towards the ball and head first to Savonjoki.

A baseball player Teemu Nurmion the wild performance has been talked about since Monday on social media. Even the US channel ESPN has wanted use a video of the situation.

The video clip shared by the Superpesis Twitter account has been commented on in Finnish as well as in English. Also a Member of Parliament Hanna Kosonen (central) threatened Hyvinkää’s Tahko to plunge straight into the river.

– Here is a sports performance for the next day as well. Good luck! Kosonen wrote.

Nurmio tried to take the Bet against Vimpel’s Bet Elmeri Anttilan catch a punch. Kopper, who played four East-West matches in his career, bounced in the air in the situation, but the ball did not stick to the flipper.

Nurmio plunged along the embankment into the river flowing next to the field.

– I thought I had time to get the ball. I was getting ready to fight back. Then the ground ran out. I had to go head first so that my legs wouldn’t break. It wasn’t planned, but the situation was under control the whole time, he says now.

If the video does not appear, you can watch its here.

The situation was clearly visible on Ruuttu’s TV broadcast, as Savonjoki has a camera in every Veto Superpesis match.

Nurmio reminds, despite the heated discussion, that the performance was a failure.

– I didn’t even catch the ball! It was not a very impressive performance in itself. There were real successes in the game, for example Elmeri Anttila a few times, he refers to the Veto player who hit three kunnars and five regulars in the match.

Anttila marked two regulars and a kunnar with that shot, which ended with Nurmio’s splash in the river.

Hair dryer for use

Teemu Nurmio plays in the outfield as a cap. Emil Hansson/AOP

Some of the commentators have been horrified by Nurmio’s fall. However, Koppari assures that he is fine.

– When you slip between the rocks, it’s not going to work. It could have been funny. Fortunately, this time I did. Let’s go a little more calmly in the future.

Only the equipment was damaged. Nurmio changed his flipper and spikes, but played with wet socks until the end of the match.

There was work to be done in the evening, as Tahko already played an away match against the Koskenkorva Athletes on Tuesday.

– On condition, I was able to dry the other clothes with a hair dryer so that I could get them in order for the day. They got in good playing condition.

– The flap is still soaking wet. It’s not a matter of putting it in your hand for a moment.

Nurmio has excelled with its diving booths before. In the summer of 2019, his diving booth was listed in North America until the reporter Mark Spector praised Nurmio’s performance on Twitter with the words “The Finnish Superman”.


Teemu Nurmio represents Hyvinkää Tahko. Tomi Natri/AOP

On Tuesday, Tahko beat KoU 2–0 (2–0, 10–7). Nurmio ensured his team’s victory.

Koskenkorva scored no fewer than six runs in the third innings and got within a run of Tahko. When the Vårkää players opened the last inning, Nurmio hit the kunnar with his vertical bat.

– I don’t know if the copper had problems with the sun. The ball went through in an important place this time.

Nurmio scored a total of three runs in the match. This season, 28 have been imported, which is enough for third place in the leaderboard statistics.

– Moderate early season. The main thing is that we have slowly played well as a team. Yes, this will turn into joy towards autumn.

Tahko is seventh in the series.
