He slapped the Reich flag bearer in the face

By Anne Losensky

An event technician is on trial for allegedly throwing a full beer bottle in the face of a bearer of the Reich flag.

Accusation: dangerous bodily harm and breach of the peace. Spandau is said to have followed the demonstrators along with others in the government district.

March 20, 2021. Right-wing extremists, Reich citizens and opponents of corona restrictions gather. 1800 police officers on duty. Various counter-demonstrators. Among those arrested: Amine H. (33), German, born in Algeria. Two weeks later, his arrest warrant was lifted and he was released.

Tuesday, Tiergarten District Court. The technician faces the process (Az. 231Ds96/21). But he is silent. The injured witness was all the more talkative: Paul H. (25), brewer and maltster from Gießen, known in the right-wing scene in Hesse.

“We wanted to go to the train station,” he says. “A larger group came running toward us. He pushed me and said: Give the shit flag! But I didn’t give her up. Then he gave me the full beer bottle in the face at close range.”

Black eye, long scar above eyebrow. Why did he have the black, white and red flag with him? “It was a right-wing national demo! He wasn’t even hooded. It was him, I’m sure of it.” Why? “He was the only one there with a migration background, the others were all German!”

At the time, he himself was openly displaying his sentiments: with a T-shirt from the Nazi band Erschießungskommando… Judgment on October 25th.
