“He only seeks to save his skin”

Pedro Sanchez always thought that Alberto Núñez Feijóo he only sought to survive at the head of the PP with his investiture attempt, doomed to failure due to the lack of support, but the final confirmation came this Tuesday, during the meeting that both leaders held in the Congress of Deputies. The proposal by the leader of the conservatives to govern for two years and then call elections, as Sánchez later explained to the members of the PSOE executive, meeting to solemnize his ‘no’ to the PP, shows that he is thinking “of himself & rdquor ;.

“He is not thinking of this country, but of save his skin. If anyone had doubts, with this initiative they will have been cleared up & rdquor ;, the socialist spokesperson said later, Pilar Alegria.

The appointment, which has lasted less than 50 minutes, It has been as unsuccessful as expected. Neither Feijóo has convinced Sánchez to support his investiture, nor has Sánchez convinced Feijóo to facilitate the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ), whose mandate expired almost five years ago. But at least it has served so that both leaders, whose relationship is manifestly bad, say face to face and alone what they usually point out in front of a microphone.

The first thing that the acting president has transmitted to the leader of the PP, whom the King appointed as a candidate for an investiture that will be debated and fail on September 26 and 27, has been a bitter reproach. Appeals by popular leaders to the turncoat of the deputies of the PSOE as a way to try the arrival of Feijóo, Sánchez told him, they are a lack of “respect & rdquor; and they have to end. The leader of the conservatives, Sánchez explained behind closed doors in the executive office, has responded by distancing himself from those messages. So the acting head of the Executive has insisted, asking him to “amend & rdquor; to their spokesmen, explain socialist sources present at the party leadership meeting.

The negotiation with the independence movement

Socialists move comfortable in this situation. It will last for almost a month, with Feijóo trying “desperately & rdquor; find some support (beyond those already announced by Vox, Coalición Canaria and UPN, with which it only adds 172 votes in favor compared to 178 against) and receiving one slam after another. Sánchez’s collaborators, far from the spotlight, meanwhile are advancing in the negotiation with the Catalan and Basque pro-sovereignty parties and waiting for the king candidate name for Sánchez after the parliamentary defeat of his main adversary.

The executive meeting has taken place in a relaxed atmosphere, and Alegría has used irony and humor during his subsequent appearance to try to dismantle the story of the PP leader, who is now asking for support from the PSOE after basing his electoral campaign on the promise that he would put an end to the work of the coalition government in the last legislature. “Feijóo has tried to convince us that repeal the ‘sanchismo’, but he has lacked persuasion with Sánchez & rdquor ;, the also Minister of Education said first. “He has gone from wanting to repeal ‘sanchismo’ to pray to ‘sanchismo& rdquor ;, he later stressed.

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“His approach is fake from top to bottom -continued the PSOE spokesperson-. She does not accept what happened in the July 23 elections. Her project was to repeal ‘sanchismo’, the progressive laws that this government has approved. Citizens overwhelmingly rejected that proposal. What Feijóo has is a majority against of his investiture. When it fails, which it will fail, we will achieve an investiture that gives stability to our country and continue advancing in rights and social conquests.”

The PSOE every day contemplates with greater optimism Sánchez’s chances of being elected. The conversations with the party that was initially most reluctant to support the investiture, Together for Catalonia, they continue on a good footing. The formula to decriminalize the ‘procés’, one of the requirements of both the party of Carlos Puigdemont As of ERC, the discussion continues, but Alegría, like Sánchez last week, has not closed the door on it being a amnesty whose constitutionality generates debate among specialists. Without wanting to dwell on whether or not the measure is compatible with the Magna Carta, he has said: “Reunion and coexistence. That is why we have made decisions that have been clearly endorsed by Catalan society. Our framework is the Constitution & rdquor ;.
