He misses the train for not being attended to in Valencian: “Something like this had not happened to me since the time of Calvo Sotelo”

08/25/2022 at 21:34


Another case of linguistic discrimination generates solidarity, indignation, and a question to the Government in the Senate

“Today I missed the 9.25 train. The employee of Renfe he did not want to attend the Gandia station because he spoke in Valencian“. This is how a resident of this city summed up the claim that he has presented to the railway company in the unpleasant incident that occurred last Wednesday morning at the station ticket office.

As he explained, he asked, in Valencian, A round-trip ticket, but the worker “didn’t want to understand me and for all he wanted me to ask him in Spanish”. “Something like this had not happened to me since the time of Calvo Sotelo,” adds the affected user.

After spreading what happened on social networks, the man has received endless messages that mix solidarity and indignationeven more so because at no time was the Renfe worker asked to reply in Valencian, but simply to issue the requested ticket.

Aware of what had happened, Senator Carles Mulet, from Compromís, formulated a battery of questions addressed to the Government yesterday. These include which operator was the one who refused to serve the user, what sanctions are foreseen “for those who, working for a public company in Valencian-speaking territory, discriminate against Valencian-speakers in this unacceptable way” or what measures the Government is going to adopt so that cases like these do not happen again in Valencian stations.
