‘He has to go off the tube? Nonsense!’

Jack van Gelder receives support from the men of Today Inside now that there is criticism of his appointment as a regular guest in the talk show HLF8. “Can’t that man just say what he feels like?”


Lately, Jack van Gelder has regularly appeared at the talk show table of HLF8. The editors like him there, because he always has a strong opinion in store. For example, he recently called for just to be selfish and to open the gas tap in Groningen as soon as possible.

Jack under fire

Marcel van Roosmalen finds it harmful that Jack is allowed to empty out at HLF8 without a proper reply and a director from RTL Nieuws even more or less pleads for his departure from the program: “Why does the ailing HLF8 keep holding on to Jack van Gelder? The boomer incarnate is just there again.”

Today Inside star Wilfred Genee is very much surprised at this uproar. “I understand there are problems with Jack van Gelder. Jack’s under fire, isn’t he?”

“Say what you want!”

René van der Gijp believes that Jack simply has freedom of expression. “I heard it, but that man can just say what he feels like?”

Wilfred: “Yes, but Van Roosmalen yells: ‘It really isn’t possible.’”

Johan: “Yes, but wait a minute. I have read Van Roosmalen in the NRC and then he says that Jack is playing the right-wing reactionary man there, to the right of the VVD, but is that a crime that Jack thinks on the right?”

Left of the Labor Party

According to Johan, it is very selective of critics. “Is the left of the PvdA allowed? Is that allowed?”

Johan, like Jack, is a TV personality with right-wing views. “I am not at all worried about my position, because I will continue to say what I think, but that Jack van Gelder is blamed for being on the right of the VVD…”

Complete nonsense, Johan concludes.
