‘He has no clue’

Paul Römer, the Talpa board member who hates Today Inside, thinks the talk show should be more positive. “Then Baantjer junior has to put three other people here!”, says Johan Derksen.

© SBS 6

The relationship between Talpa bobo Paul Römer, also known as Baantjer junior (his father Piet Römer played the leading role in the TV hit Baantjer), and the men of Today Inside is extremely bad. That’s mainly because Paul dropped the gentlemen in a very nasty way during the candle riot, by publicly burning them off on the radio.

happier and more positive

Paul was also overly lyrical about the summer VI replacement Marcel & Gijs, which would be nice TV. That man just has incredibly long toes, Johan Derksen snorted in the spring. It now appears that Paul has internally complained that VI is too grumpy and should look more like the summer replacement De Oranjezomer with Hélène Hendriks.

It came to light yesterday Inside today. Johan: “The TV world is teeming with owners who think they know a lot about TV, but who just shout something off the cuff. I now hear that Baantjer junior has said again that it would be good for this program if we copy Hélène by being a bit more cheerful and positive.”

Feel good

René van der Gijp surprised: “Who said that?”

Johan: “Baantjer junior. Then they have to put three other people here.”

Wilfred: “No, he said to me… Because he told me, I told Jan, but he told you again… That he really liked that positive feel good this summer with Hélène . All that positive news, with the sun and so on.”

Realistic view

Johan: “There is no positive or negative news. There’s just news. I’ve been in the sports magazines all my life and then a competitor of VI came along and he took a ‘positive’ approach. Well, after three weeks, people were kicking it out again. They just want to have realistic opinions.”

Wilfred: “He also added: ‘I am not responsible in terms of content.’”

Johan: “That it always stays that way, because otherwise he will also kill this program.”

No idea

René is very annoyed with that Paul Römer. “That mister Baantjer junior, huh? He also has no idea that we have a group of 650,000 regular viewers who have been watching every time for fourteen years. He doesn’t know that.”

Wilfred: “Yes, he knows that. He also said that the program was important for the channel. He would have said that.”

Johan: “Well, very nice of him.”

René: “All those TV people… I’ve been here for fourteen years now and there has never been a single sensible word. Really never! But that’s painful, isn’t it?”
