He had to leave the Big Brother house in the first eviction broadcast

BB-Daiyana had to leave the house behind.

Big Brother program had the first public vote, as a result of which one resident had to leave the house.

They were under threat of divorce Soil frost, Daiyana, Ruzbeh and The wind. Kirsi was the first to escape the eviction vote.

However, the end result was that Daiyana had to leave the Big Brother house behind.

12 contestants continue in the Big Brother house. This year, you can plot and talk about eviction votes in the house. In the past, this has not been allowed.

Sunday’s broadcast also introduces two new residents who will move into the BB house on Monday.

Big Brother on Nelose every day at 9 pm and on Ruudu 24/7. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.

This Sunday was the first eviction broadcast of this year’s Big Brother season. FOUR
