He dies after being electrocuted when the stick of his boat touched a high-tension cable in the Eo estuary

08/28/2022 at 21:30


The events occurred on the Galician side of the estuary, although he was treated in Castropol and transferred to the hospital: “It was very unpleasant”

The Eo estuary has registered this Sunday afternoon a unfortunate event with a lateen sailboat led by a group of young people from Ribadeo (Lugo). Taking advantage of the high tide, they entered towards the mouth of the Rio Grande, in Ribadeo, in an area very close to the coastal railway line. Bad fortune made the mast of the ship, made of carbon, will rub against a high-tension cable of the track, which caused an electric shock that electrocuted one of the crew. The young man, 24 years old and a regular vacationer in the town of Lugo. He died while being treated at the hospital. of Jarrio.

The young people sounded the alarm and a boat came to their aid and helped them reach the port of Castropol, the closest to the scene of the event, where he was treated by the mobile ICU of the Jarrio hospital. The medical staff acted quickly to revive the young man in the middle of the port, very crowded on a sunny afternoon this Sunday. “it was very unpleasant&rdquor ;, commented a neighbor who witnessed the medical intervention.

“Throughout the summer there was no event and that this is happening just before the end of the summer is a very unfortunate episode,” the Mayor of Castropol, Francisco Javier Vinjoy, said late in the afternoon.

As La Nueva España has learned, on the boat, based in the Ribadeo marina, between five and six kids were traveling that they were enjoying an afternoon of sailing. The tide was perfect and many boats traveled the border estuary.

The area of ​​the mouth of the Rio Grande is a common point of navigation at times of high tide.
