He changed it from 1 mei: parkeren in Brussel duurder en Proximus verhoogt prijzen | landlocked

In the center of Hoofdstad there are parking spaces at 1 my durder, on the other side of the sea, parking spaces are available and buyers aan te sporen tot het gebruik van publieke parkings. There will be a visitor’s card dur der vanafeen two wagons. Proximus votes for stevige prices for the popular telecom bundles Flex and Epic.

The biggest changes in the squares in the vijfhoek van de Brussel and in the zone around the Louizalaan in Europese wijk van Kunst-Wet tot de Schumanrotonde: van large zones have been dat grijze en dus duurdere, zones. In one grijze zone is the parkeertijd beperkt tot 4.5 uur, in betalen automobilisten het first uur 2 euro, the following three uur telephones 3 euro and het the last half uur 1.5 euro. Daarnaast he should betaald dead 21 o’clock, not longer dead 18 o’clock.

“Te veel publice ruimte wordt vandaag used as parking”, Zei Brussels plans van Mobiliteit Bart Dhondt (Groen) at the goedkeuring in de Brusselse Gemeenteraad and last year. “Het is not more te responsible for the car’s de hele dag stilstaan ​​op straat. Zeker than he 100 meters verder een veilige publieke, ondergrondse of bovengrondse parking is in hair dozens of bezoekers.”

Before Brusselaars the hun carriage dagelijks sake parkeren op straat it is a small change. The first bewonerskaart costs 10 euros each, the main price of the two bewonerskaart is 50 to 110 euros. De derde bewonerskaart is a business. How someone wants to vangen can ask for a bezoekerskaart.

Proximus Flex and Epic have been duurder

In January Proximus had opgetrokken al de tarieven van een aantal oude formulas. Now follow the popular bundles Flex and Epic. Also the Business Flex-packs for use have been duurder. Het om Prijsverhogingen met 3 tot 4 euros per month, because Proximus uses up the costs for ions and technological equipment.

For example, a basic Flex subscription with additional internet and televisie vanaf mei 63.99 euros per month costs in plaats van 59.99 euros. This is a starting point of 6.7 percent. For how he has two mobile subscriptions, the price is from 83.99 euros to 88.99 euros, or plus 6 percent.

Not everything is said to be: het instant subscription for vast internet wording is good. That costs 25 euros per month and costs 27.50 euros in places. The name changed from Internet Start to Internet Essential. It is a maximum volume of 100 GB included and the download speed is a maximum of 50 mbps.

Also, Telenet is scheduled to begin this week during the week that the subscription fee for the Internet, televisie and telephony optrect: the price increases by 4.7 percent from June 19th.
