HBW Balingen-Weilstetten is promoted to the HBL

HBW Balingen-Weilstetten managed to get promoted back to the Handball Bundesliga immediately. Coach Jens Bürkle’s team won 41:28 (20:17) against SG BBM Bietigheim on the fourth-to-last matchday.

In the table relevant for promotion, in which all games of the Ukrainian guest team HC Zaporischschja are deducted, HBW can no longer be dislodged from first place with 54:12 points. ThSV Eisenach and Dessau-Roßlauer HV currently have the best chances of second place.

After 2006 and 2019, it is the third promotion to the German handball upper house for the Balingen team. The Swabians’ best thrower in the Baden-Württemberg duel against Bietigheim was Jona Schoch with ten goals.
