Hayden Panettiere was a promising actress until she disappeared from the public eye

Actor Hayden Panettiere reveals to People magazine why he disappeared from the public just during the upswing of his career.

Actor Hayden Panettiere reveals his barren everyday life, where drug addiction started as a teenager took him. Public Address

Singer and actor Hayden Panettiere, 32, first appeared on the TV series in 1996 when she was just 7 years old. After the role, the actor appeared in the series Ally McBeal, Kova Laki and Nashville, as well as in the movie Scream 4.

The actor was famous especially in the 2000s and still in 2010, when he made music as well as acted. The young woman was hailed as a promising star, but her breakthrough as an actress was missed after she disappeared from the public eye.

Now the actor reveals the reasons why he completely disappeared from the public eye in 2018 and what happened to his expected career. Hayden shares a shocking revelation about herself with People magazine. He got hooked on drugs as a minor.

– I was at the top and I ruined it. I believe I hit a dead end, but fortunately there is always a new opportunity that opens up, Hayden described his situation to the magazine.

He says that he struggled for years with his drug addiction. It was exacerbated by the post-pregnancy depression she experienced after the birth of her first child, Kaya, 7. Hayden mixed opiates and alcohol.

The beginning of addiction

The star’s career actually started at the age of 11. In an interview with People, Hayden reveals that she was just 15 years old when she was offered “happy pills” before she walked the red carpet.

– They were meant to cheer me up during the interviews. I had no idea this wasn’t allowed or that it would start my addiction.

Panettiere began drinking alcohol and taking occasional opioids while her acting career flourished. He describes his salvation in the film industry as the fact that you couldn’t get confused on set. Things started to get out of hand outside of work, and Hayden could no longer live without drugs.

The years rolled on and Hayden was addicted to alcohol and drugs. However, he was able to act in several series, although he describes his free time as full of drugs.

In 2014, the 25-year-old actress played troubled country singer Juliette Barnes in Nashville. The series included Hayden’s real-life pregnancy, when she was expecting a child with her ex-partner, boxer Wladimir Klitschko.

The actor soon realized that his character’s problems mirrored his own.

– Those were difficult years. I could relate a lot to the plot twists regarding alcoholism and post-pregnancy depression. They hit me hard.

Boxer Wladimir Klitschko and Panettiere at a charity gala in Berlin in 2015. PDO


Panettiere sought help and treatment for her depression, but found herself once again struggling with her addiction. Her alcohol consumption increased daily, despite being the mother of a young child.

– I never wanted to hurt my child, but I didn’t want to spend any time with him. There was only gray in my life.

Hayden says that she didn’t drink at all during her pregnancy, but she started drinking right after Kaya was born. Her relationship with Klitschko also began to fall apart, although the couple had already started dating in 2009 and had their first child in 2014.

– He didn’t want to be with me and I don’t want to be with me either. With opiates and alcohol I would do anything to be happy even for a moment. Then I felt worse again than before. I was in a suicidal spiral, Hayden reveals.

The hardest phase of all began in 2018. Hayden describes that he suffered from body tremors and could only function with the help of alcohol. She handed her daughter over to Klitschko, with whom they had previously divorced. With her decision, she felt she was a good mother.

Eventually, Hayden’s condition worsened to the point where he was hospitalized after suffering from jaundice. The doctors told the actor that his liver is failing. Then he realized that he was no longer young and could act however he wanted.

Hayden Panettiere and Paula Abdul participated in Paris Hilton’s Netflix show in 2021, when Hayden started to get better. Diggzy/Shutterstock

Towards light

In the end, Panettiere attended drug rehabilitation for eight months. Today, he is satisfied with his decision, because in rehabilitation he got the action models to find peace and happiness back in his life.

He admits that in the end he had to be extremely honest with himself. Last year, he went to trauma therapy and institutional care to get over his addiction and the unpleasant experiences that resulted from it.

– This has not been easy and the process has included many ups and downs. I don’t regret even the worst things that have happened to me. I feel like I have a second chance.

Thanks to the help, Hayden returns to acting again after a five-year hiatus. He is currently filming the new Scream 6 movie in his role as Kirby Reed, which will be released in 2023. He also founded a charity organization that collects money for Ukrainians.

Hayden seems to have gotten back on his feet after years and is starting to act again. He says that he has to make a decision every day to be sober and take care of himself.

– I am so grateful that I can be a part of this world again. I don’t take it for granted anymore, Hayden, who is recovering from drug addiction, emphasizes to People magazine.

The huge neckline of Hayden Panettiere’s dress was reported in 2016.

Source: People
