Hayao Miyazaki’s masterpieces return to the cinema

P.the review continues until 17 August A world of animated dreams by Lucky Red which brings back the masterpieces of the master Hayao Miyazaki produced by Studio Ghibli.

To see the ecologist at the cinema Princess Mononoke (from 14 to 20 July), Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (from 25 to 31 July) set in a post-apocalyptic future, the protagonist is a heroine committed to averting war.

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“Nausicaa in the valley of the wind”

The theme of war also returns in Porco Rosso (from 1 to 7 August), with the famous adventures of the pilot-pig that flies over the skies between the Adriatic and Milan, and finally Howl’s Moving Castle with his spells (from 11 to 17 August).
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