Hay fever: what it is, symptoms, risk period, meaning

Seasonal, but not only, and with symptoms that vary based on the sensitivity of allergy sufferers: everything you need to know about hay fever

Daniele Particelli

March 5 – 08:12 – MILAN

The spring season generally coincides with the awakening of respiratory allergies, starting with the so-called hay fevera term used to refer to an allergic rhinitis due to pollinosis which affects the nasal mucosa, eyes and respiratory tract in a more or less important way depending on the subject. Here’s what they are the symptoms of hay fever and which periods are most at risk.

What is hay fever

Contrary to what one might think, given the common name hay feverthis very widespread allergy does not cause an increase in temperature bodily and is not caused by hay. It’s not even the pollen itself that triggers the symptoms, but some proteins contained within it such as profilins and reserve proteins, and can also be influenced by factors not related to the environment such as emotional stress and excessive intake of alcoholic beverages.

To date they have been identified more than 20 types of hay feverunleashed by over 3,500 plants starting with birch, ash and le grasses more generally such as oats, caprinella, spelt, barley, millet and wheat.

Symptoms of hay fever

The main symptoms of hay fever are the our body’s reaction to contact with pollen allergens, perceived as potentially dangerous. Faced with what is seen as a possible threat by the most sensitive subjects, our body responds with allergic phenomena that can vary in intensity and duration. Here are the main ones:

  • Continuous sneezing
  • Nasal itching
  • Red eyes
  • Stuffy nose
  • Itching on the palate and eyes
  • Heachache
  • General tiredness

Hay fever, the periods most at risk

Hay fever can be considered in all respects a seasonal allergydestined to worsen in spring and more intensely in the open air, in the countryside or near flowered parks, but there are also cases of perennial or persistent allergic rhinitis which instead occur more or less throughout the year.
