Have you ever had a power outage for several hours?

Blackout in Köpenick: In 2019, after an accident, the power went out for 31 hours, affecting 31,000 households and 2,000 companies

Blackout in Köpenick: In 2019, after an accident, the power went out for 31 hours, affecting 31,000 households and 2,000 companies Photo: David Heerde

From BZ

People often talk about an imminent blackout – meaning a widespread power failure. Those responsible at the energy suppliers point out that it will not happen. There are occasional minor power outages that leave some streets or districts dark. Have you also been affected?

In the previous question we wanted to know: do you smoke? Result: 39 percent of the 1704 participating readers smoke classic cigarettes. Only 12 percent use e-cigarettes. The vast majority of 49 percent do not smoke at all.


power outage
