Have you been out of work for a long time? So you can request the help of 480 euros from SEPE

06/10/2023 at 16:22


This aid of 480 euros can be granted for various reasons

We tell you what are the requirements to request it

One of the most worrying situations for many workers is being long-term unemployed. However, the Public State Employment Service (SEPE) has an aid of 480 euros aimed at long-term unemployed people. His official name is Active Insertion Income (RAI) and represents 80% of the IPREM in force at any time (in 2023 it is 600 euros per month).

Reasons for granting the aid of 480 euros per month

  • Being unemployed long lasting.
  • If you own a disability equal to or greater than 33%.
  • if it is returned emigrant.
  • if it is victim of gender violence.

General requirements to receive the aid of 480 euros per month

First of all, You must be registered in active job search with the regional public employment service (known as the ‘demand for employment’). Other conditions to obtain the RAI are:

  • Being under 65 years of age.
  • Not having their own monthly income greater than 75% of the minimum interprofessional salary (SMI), which currently stands at 1080 euros per month.
  • If you have a spouse and/or children aged 26 or older with a disability, or minors in foster care (…), you cannot exceed 75% of the SMI by adding the income of all the members of the family unit.
  • Not having been a beneficiary of three previous rights to the active insertion income program.

The aid payment of 480 euros per month (RAI) is made in monthly installments of 30 days, between the 10th and 15th of each month: “with few exceptions, by crediting the account of the financial institution that you indicate, as long as you are the owner of it”.
