Haunted castle in the Efteling must remain, says heritage association

“The Spookslot in the Efteling deserves to be kept as the main show, even if it is undoubtedly technically outdated.” That is the opinion of Karel Loeff, director of heritage association Bond Heemschut. He believes that attractions that have traditionally been in the 70-year-old Efteling, such as the steam carousel, should become a national monument.

The association wants Efteling to postpone the proposed demolition of the Spookslot until the park has determined how it wants to deal with its own heritage. There is currently no policy for this. He calls the attraction an ‘important value’ for the Efteling itself and thinks that the park will lose many fans from the first hour if all the renovation plans go ahead.

“Although not a design by Anton Pieck himself, the Spookslot is an important attraction that does not deserve a blunt demolition decision,” Heemschut writes in a letter to Efteling.

According to director Loeff of Bond Heemschut, old objects are destroyed to make way for new attractions, while this cultural heritage determines the history of the Efteling. His organization is very concerned about historical parts that are disappearing from the park.

The association thinks that Efteling does not feel much in favor of old attractions being declared national monuments from a business point of view. That is why Bond Heemschut wants removed parts, such as the statue of Monsieur Cannibale and the whale from Polka Marina, to be treated with care, so that those Efteling elements are preserved.

The Efteling is going to demolish the Spookslot to make way for a new attraction and a new themed area.


‘New Efteling attraction has a haunted castle theme, working title Danse macabre’

Fans about the demolition of Spookslot: ‘The Efteling of our youth is slowly disappearing’
