Hats stuck on pigeons: ‘Animal cruelty is never funny’ | Inland

Employees of the foundation went on the spot after they saw a video of a pigeon in a pink hat on Instagram. The pigeon was quickly found. “Strings of glue ran over her head and narrowly missed her eye, which would have meant blindness and slow, cruel death,” the foundation writes on Facebook. “When the hat wobbled on her head, her eyelids were pulled to one side. Some glue had gotten close to her wing.”

Employees saw glue residue on the head of another pigeon. “The hat seems to have fallen, pulling feathers with it.”

The Foundation is furious. “Would they also find it funny if someone glued hats to the head of a kitten or puppy?” the foundation wonders aloud. “Probably less. If you see an animal that has been mistreated or abused, help them. Animal cruelty is never funny.”
