Hatred of Jews is growing and migrating

By Gunnar Schupelius

Everyone is frightened, but no one takes action against the unstoppable rise of those who want to destroy Israel, says Gunnar Schupelius.

Gangs of murderers from the Palestinian “Hamas” have attacked villages and towns in Israel, abducting, torturing and murdering defenseless people. They want to kill as many Jews as possible, they say that openly.

The massacres were celebrated in Neukölln. Palestinian activists handed out sweets, then danced through the streets, shouting their hatred, and later attacked the police with stones. They also threatened a team from WELT television and forced the journalists to delete their recordings.

What we saw yesterday in Neukölln cannot be surpassed in terms of contempt for humanity, but the scene is not new: the hatred of Israel and the Jews and a downright desire for destruction is being displayed more and more uninhibitedly.

The police break up the Israel haters meeting.  There were also numerous arrests because of anti-Israel slogans

The police broke up the Jew-hater meeting. There were also numerous arrests because of anti-Israel slogans Photo: Spreepicture

It began with violent demonstrations by Arab demonstrators in April 2022 in several German cities and at Hermannplatz. They shouted not only “Death to Israel,” but also “Jews, remember Khaybar.” This refers to Mohamed’s campaign against Jewish settlers in 628.

Since then, supporters of the terrorist groups “Hamas” and “Hezbollah” have regularly gathered in Neukölln. The police prohibit them from chanting slogans aimed at destroying Israel, but they chant them anyway. Then the demonstrations are broken up.

It’s a battle against windmills. Because the circle of supporters is getting bigger. Behind “Hamas” are the Muslim Brotherhood, one of the oldest Islamist organizations. They gather in mosque communities in Neukölln and Wedding.

The “Tagesspiegel” reports that Arab clans also work for “Hamas”. Clan leader Arafat Abou-Chaker shared a post on Instagram with a map showing how more than 2,000 rockets were fired at Israel on Saturday. Underneath it says: “I love seeing things like that.”

Arafat Abou-Chaker was born in Berlin. Does he glorify violence? He wouldn’t be the only one. They’re getting more and more. Because in the Arab migrants’ countries of origin, hostility towards Israel is a given, a basic feeling that is instilled in the children.

Clan leader Arafat Abou-Chaker celebrates the attack on Israel on Instagram

Clan leader Arafat Abou-Chaker celebrates the attack on Israel on Instagram Photo: Instagram/arafat

► “Anyone who celebrates these crimes on Berlin streets or online is making themselves an accomplice,” says Bundestag Vice President Petra Pau (Left). “I don’t want to tolerate images like those in Sonnenallee (…),” says Social Senator Cansel Kiziltepe (SPD).

Both are right, but what have they done so far to prevent these images that they don’t want to see?

► FDP General Secretary Bijan Djir-Sarai demanded in the spring that when naturalizing, it should be checked whether the candidate is an anti-Semite. What has become of it?

► In autumn 2018, the red-green-red Senate announced a requirement to report anti-Semitic incidents in schools. They still don’t exist today.

Everyone is always shocked when things happen like they did on Sonnenallee on Saturday. But no one is taking action against the unstoppable rise of those who want to destroy Israel.

Is Gunnar Schupelius right? Call: 030/2591 73153, or email: [email protected]

Read all of Gunnar Schupelius’s columns here
