Hate comments after a statement against right-wing extremism

Helene Fischer used to be considered rather apolitical and neutral and remained silent on many current issues – but that has changed. In the course of the large demonstrations across Germany against hostility to democracy, the singer also showed a clear stance against right-wing extremism.

Helene Fischer: “Do the right thing, go vote! For democracy and against the extremists!”

Helene Fischer recently addressed her fans in clear words in “Stern” magazine: “Discrimination, racism, hatred and violence are poisoning our society. I want to live in an open, tolerant and diverse Germany and wish for a colorful future for our children. We must now defend our values ​​and our democracy and not leave the field to anti-democrats. The coming elections, in Germany and in Europe, will decide which country we will live in in the future. Do the right thing, vote! For democracy and against the extremists!”

The singer, who has a large fan base in Germany, was celebrated by many for her words – including those people who otherwise don’t listen to her music. Nevertheless, hate comments from people who apparently feel attacked or caught by this positive statement are also increasing on their social channels. Some suspect that Helene Fischer received money for this statement, others are “ashamed” of her because she allowed herself to be “harnessed to the cart” as a so-called “system kipper”. The rhetoric is well known and is reminiscent of AfD speeches.

But many supporters object in the comments. For example, it says: “What has happened to humanity? Someone speaks out for a tolerant world in which racism and right-wing ideas have no place and is insulted as a system-bender, money-hungry and a so-called sheep. Those are fundamental values ​​that she represents there. How can you shoot against it like that? Really scares me.”

Schlagerwelt sticks together: Further statements against the right

Her ex-partner Florian Silbereisen also made a statement: “Nothing, absolutely nothing, justifies contempt for humanity! Never! We have to make sure that no one has to be afraid – no matter what they believe in, where they come from or who they love.” Roland Kaiser also spoke up: “It makes me sad, angry and speechless that in this day and age people still commit the same outrages as my parents’ generation. This disappoints me deeply.”
