Hassle in the high chair? ‘Just put him in the shower’ | living

Cleaning tip of the weekThe house could use a major overhaul once in a while. Cleaning expert Marja Middeldorp therefore helps to solve everyday problems. This week: cleaning the high chair.

The high chair is the center of education, Marja knows. “All those parents do the same thing. Whoop, whoop, here comes the train. And then with a snack that your child does not want to mouth. ‘Get away with those carrots’, you see him looking. Before you know it he knocks the fork out of your hand and everything is covered in food. Those highchairs have to endure a lot.”

You experience a lot in it, is what the cleaning expert would like to say. ,,So if you see such a chair at a free market today on King’s Day, realize that there is a whole history behind it. King, emperor, admiral, they all mess up. I do have some tips to keep it within limits.”


If you want to have the chair completely clean once, for example when it has been picked up at the flea market, put it under a shower, Marja advises. “Just disinfect it well. It depends a bit on the material how easy it is to clean, but since every child poops, pees and throws up, I think most chairs can handle it if you put them in the shower. Use all-purpose cleaner and a cloth, spray well and then put the shower head on. I prefer to dry it with a hair dryer. That is warm and then the last bacteria will go to heaven.”

Also view at vtwonen which highchairs are all available.

,,Oh yes, just look at the underside of such a chair, at the chair legs. Depending on the surface, you have to glue or hammer something under it so that the floor does not damage, but also that the chair does not slip when the child moves on it. You do something different with a carpet than with a wooden floor. With the latter I recommend rubber caps underneath. The chair does not slip and does not damage anything.”


,,As I said, a lot more happens in a chair than eating. What about pencils that leave streaks everywhere? I especially want to warn that you should not work with abrasives and therefore not with scouring pads. This makes the material porous. Just use an eraser to remove pencil marks.”

To keep the chair clean, you could rub it with a thin layer of polishing wax, says Marja. ,,Or car wax, that also helps. Not too much of course. The dirt adheres less easily to the material, making cleaning easier. You are also less likely to see greasy fingers on the surface. Well, and after so much fun, we’re in dire need of a clean diaper. In the spirit of King’s Day: thrice hurrah!”

Do you want to ask Marja Middeldorp a question? Send an e-mail to this address ([email protected]) with your name. Check out more cleaning tips below:
