has been portraying the role all these years

Paris Hilton talks openly about the challenges in her life and why she changed her voice and style for publicity.

Even at a young age, Paris modified her voice to better suit the media, as she did not feel that her lower voice suited her image. PDO

Socialite star Paris Hilton, 41, reveals on Duchess Meghan’s Archetypes podcast that she has been putting on a public role all these years to protect herself.

Paris, who belongs to the millionaire Hilton family, rose to the public at a young age, and especially in the United States, the media followed her activities diligently. In order to protect himself from the media and attention, he created a believable role for himself, behind which he hid.

– This whole time I’ve been playing a character so that the world hasn’t found out who I really am, Paris reveals to the duchess.

In the conversation, she tells what she is like in reality and why she created for herself the role of “bimbo blonde”, which many have believed in for years. Hilton also speaks in her own voice on the podcast and has not raised it.

Public youth

As a teenager, Paris sneaked out to parties secretly from her family at night, but the secret didn’t stay, because in the mornings she woke up to wild and raging headlines about herself. To Meghan, he describes how cruel and merciless the media was towards him.

Eventually, Paris was sent from her home in New York to a boarding school for partying too much, where she was mistreated. The character he developed helped numb the emotions and tougher stages.

Paris began to use the style she created regularly in public and it became her trademark. She even changed her low voice to a high one to match the public image of a rich and blonde young woman.

– The role was a mask to protect myself. At that time, I felt that they were not talking about me, but about the character I created for the public, the heiress describes.

Today, the heiress is open about how publicity has affected her life. PDO

Towards more genuine

In 2009, he revealed for the first time that his public voice is not real, but created it for publicity.

Since then, his role has been gradually dissolved.

– The real me is really brilliant. I’m not a stupid blonde, I’m just very good at acting like one, the heiress describes herself.

– In reality, I am the complete opposite of that, he adds.

Today, after all these years, he wants to change people’s perceptions of himself. Therefore, in the podcast, he properly opens up the challenges of his life, which made him create a shell against the public.

– I don’t want to be remembered as an empty-headed person, but as the businesswoman that I really am, Paris emphasizes.

Paris Hilton on the red carpet in November 2020.

Source: The Archetypes PodcastMirror
