Hogwarts Legacythe game set in the world of Harry Potter, has been postponed until February 10, 2023. The game has already been postponed until the end of 2022, but developer Portkey Games will not meet that deadline.
By our tech editorsThe creators need a little more time “to deliver the best gaming experience”, they write Twitter. That was also the reason why Portkey Games already postponed the game at the beginning of last year.
Hogwarts Legacy appears first for the PC and PlayStation and Xbox consoles. A version for Nintendo Switch will be announced at a later date.
The game has been in development for a few years now. Players can create their own character, who will be assigned to one of the four wards of Hogwarts Wizarding School. The story is set two hundred years before the Potter stories.
It is therefore not expected that many well-known characters from the books and films will pass by. Instead, players will get a new story, but exactly what that will be is still a bit unclear. Players will experience life as a student at Hogwarts as they embark on a perilous journey to discover a hidden truth of the wizarding world.