Harry Potter author JK Rowling isn’t thinking about her legacy

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Writer JK Rowling forgets her legacy (stock photo) Photo: picture alliance / www.piqtured.com | Richard Goldschmidt

From BZ/dpa

According to her own words, “Harry Potter” author Joanne K. Rowling does not care about the negative consequences for her reputation through her controversial statements about trans people.

The BBC quoted the 57-year-old from a podcast on Wednesday as saying that fans who accuse her of destroying her legacy have deeply misunderstood her. “I’m not walking around the house thinking about my legacy,” Rowling said.

“How pompous to live your life walking around thinking what your legacy will be. It doesn’t matter, I’ll be dead.” “I care about the now. I care about the living.”

Rowling has been criticized in the past for her stance, for example on a liberal law in Scotland that allows trans people to change their gender without a medical opinion. Even “Harry Potter” actors like Daniel Radcliffe distanced themselves from her.

Trans people or transgender people are people who do not feel they belong to the gender they were assigned at birth. Rowling rejects the allegations, she sees herself as a women’s rights activist.


Harry Potter International Stars JK Rowling Transgender Transsexuality
