Harry and Meghan are in The Hague! 300 paparazzi hunt for unique photo (but they don’t want to be in the newspaper themselves) | Home

There they are! Royalty lovers and hundreds of paparazzi have been looking forward to it for a long time: the British Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle set foot on Dutch soil today. It is the first time in two years that the couple is in Europe. And that was noticeable in the Zuiderpark in The Hague.

Christy Dollen

Apr 15 2022

Suddenly it is a lot quieter when Prince Harry, Meghan Markle and two participants of the Dutch Invictus team appear behind a blinded door. They walk talking on wooden gangplanks across the lawn of the Zuiderpark towards the entrance of the building where all teams, family and friends have gathered for a reception. Prince Harry is in a dark blue royal suit. Markle wears a white pantsuit.

Pressure barriers about ten meters away from the planks separate them from the overrun press. From the Netherlands, but especially from England and other countries. Further on at the entrance, a small delegation, including the mayor of The Hague, Jan van Zanen, is waiting to welcome them.

The dozens of photographers behind the fences click away. They were asked in advance to keep it quiet. This is rewarded with beer afterwards. Heineken, how could it be otherwise.
