Harry and Meghan are furious about the South Park prank

Harry and Meghan have spoken out about the South Park episode about them.

South Park teased the duke couple. PDO

Iltalehti reported last week how the popular American animated series South Park had published an episode that adapted the story of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Harry and Meghan, in a rather sarcastic tone.

Now, the duke couple themselves have also participated in the laundry after the raizu episode. In their opinion, the episode was pure bullying and “groundless and boring”. In the episode, Meghan and Harry, disguised as the princess and prince of Canada, thirst for privacy in public.

The New York Post tells how Harry felt sad and confused after the episode aired. Meghan, in turn, is said to have been openly annoyed by the content of the episode.

The episode also included a dead queen, who outwardly resembled the late Elizabeth. PDO

Although the characters are not directly named Harry and Meghan, the prince has reddish hair and the princess’s appearance is very similar to Meghan. In the series, the couple is marketing their memoir called Waaagh, which is strongly reminiscent of Harry’s The Stand-in autobiography.

The episode even shows the Queen’s funeral, where an open casket shows a depiction of the dead monarch. In light of previous rumors, it was speculated that the couple might even sue the creators of the series.

The Royal Commentator by Kristen Meinzer quash rumors of legal action. He emphasizes that it is a series that is known to make fun of well-known people.

– If you’re looking for something good from this, now they know they’re in tough company with those people who have also had their share of ridicule from the series.

Vanity Fair according to the Duke and Duchess have also denied the rumors about suing the series.

The creators of the series commented in the same article how all the characters presented in the series are fictional, even if they are based on real people. The history of the series has seen, among other things Kanye West’s, Tom Cruise’s and Barbra Streisand characters joking at the expense.

Source: New York Post
