Harri Heliövaara advanced to the ATP final again

The semi-final match had to be stopped due to back problems of the opponent.

Harri Heliövaara and Llyod Glasspool won the first ATP final in Hamburg in the summer PDO

Harri Heliövaara and Lloyd Glasspool already advanced to the sixth ATP final of the season.

The Finnish-British pair is ranked second in the ATP250 tournament in France. At the time of the national match, Heliövaara anticipated and looked forward to the starting hall season. So far, the start couldn’t have been better, because with three wins, the journey has taken us to the final match.

In Saturday’s semifinal, the pair defeated the third-placed French Nicolas Mahutn and by Edouard Roger-Vasselin. The match saw only one set, which was won by Heliövaara and Glasspool 6–4.

– The sixth final place of the season is a great thing. Unfortunately, Mahut was not in full swing today and it was already visible at the beginning – it must have been a back problem. Still, he hit the ball well, but fortunately we took the opening set solidly and that was enough for the opponents, said Heliövaara in the Tennisliito press release.

Heliövaara is satisfied with all the matches in the competition.

– It is difficult for anyone to beat us. Hopefully it will continue on Sunday in the final.

In Sunday’s final match, they will face those in a strong mood Jan Zielinski and Hugo Nys. It is Heliövaara’s and Glasspool’s sixth finals place this season and they are looking for another tournament win alongside July’s ATP500 tournament in Hamburg.

– They are an interesting couple. We have met several times and I have played against Nys six times and Lloyd five times. There are wins and losses. A tough pair that plays a pretty aggressive and big return game. You have to keep your passing game aggressive enough, then we will be strong.

With the place in the final, Heliövaara rose to 14th in the doubles world rankings.
