Harley-Davidson dealer reprimanded: not allowed to organize activities

A Harley Davidson dealer in the Bossche district of De Herven is no longer allowed to organize activities. Lots of noisy and roaring Harley-Davidson motorcycles were coming up, and the neighborhood was complaining about it. Leo Louvet thinks it is a step in the right direction, who is bothered by the noise and has been fighting the nuisance for years with his neighbor.

Written by

Megan Hanegraaf

The dealer is allowed to sell motorcycles, but according to local resident Leo, it would also be a kind of clubhouse for Harley riders. There would be association activities and tours. “From March it’s hit almost every weekend and then more than three hundred motorcycles come and go,” says Leo.

“I wish I had 300 people in the shop every weekend.”

According to Harley Davidson dealer Frank Driessen, that is not true. “I wish I had 300 people in the shop every weekend.”

According to him, the company on the Hervensebaan is not a clubhouse either. “Each dealer has his own club of friends. They do tours from dealer to dealer. Buy a T-shirt, drink a cup of coffee and drive on to the next one. We cannot prohibit that.”

“We ask motorcyclists to drive through the industrial estate.”

According to local resident Leo, the fact that the municipality now wants to ban the activities and tours is a step in the right direction. “That shows that unjustified activities are taking place.”

Earlier this year, De Bossche Groenen came up with the idea of ​​a noise speed camera, but that plan did not make it to the city council. On such a pole is a microphone that registers if a vehicle makes too much noise. A camera then photographs the driver. After a while, the person on the bus will receive a ticket.

Together with some local residents, Leo has filed a lawsuit against the municipality of Den Bosch. “I think the municipality has underestimated the nuisance. We think such a dealer should not be there.”

ALSO READ: Leo is mad about roaring Harleys: ‘People have already moved for it’
