Hardly any green roofs in Berlin so far – little interest in the Senate program

Interest in the Senate’s “1000 Green Roofs” funding program, which was launched in summer 2019, is limited.

By the end of February, funding had only been paid out for 19 corresponding projects, writes the “Berliner Morgenpost” (Sunday), citing data from the Senate Department for the Environment, Mobility and Climate Protection.

At least 173 applications have been counted since the start of the program, but according to the Senate administration only 62 have then submitted the main application for funding. Approvals were granted in 37 cases, 19 of which would have received the money – around 450,000 euros by the end of February.

According to the funding guideline, homeowners can receive up to 60,000 euros for existing buildings; a maximum of 75 percent of the total costs are covered. Experience has shown that funding programs in the area of ​​measures on buildings need at least two years to become established, the Senate administration justified the low figures to the newspaper. Because of the pandemic, the process was further delayed, in particular larger projects for green roofs, for example in commercial real estate, were put on hold.

The CDU MP Danny Freymark does not want to accept that. The “1000 Green Roofs” program is a disappointment, he stated. It urgently needs to be made better known. According to the Senate administration, this should be promoted more intensively as soon as the budget has been decided.
