Hardly any expansion among farmers on the list of environmental club MOB

VVD Drenthe comes with a proposal for a different nitrogen policy

The VVD Drenthe will present a proposal on Saturday during the party congress in which the parliamentary party of the VVD is called upon to let the cabinet adjust its nitrogen policy. 400 VVD members have now signed this proposal, says Willemien Meeuwissen, Drents parliamentarian for the VVD. She has put together the proposal together with a number of members from Drenthe and a fellow Member of Parliament from South Holland. “The current policy is too careless. We need to look much more realistically, instead of looking at models,” she says.

According to her, the country is locked up due to the current regulations and the VVD Drenthe is afraid that this will continue to happen due to the current regulations. It is feared that lawsuits will drag on for years if, in addition to the nature organizations, farmers also start lawsuits. VVD Drenthe wants to look more specifically at areas and not just look at the emissions of companies. For example, the proposal calls for assessment and investigation of the state of nature.
