Hard stomach during pregnancy: when to worry – iO Donna

Preed hard in pregnancy? It is certainly one of the sensations most often felt by future mothers. During gestation, in fact, the uterus suffers important changes which serve to accompany the growth of the child. Changes that may result small annoyances, like the feeling of having a tight stomach. A symptom that is most often physiological and which, only in some cases, is it is best to consult your gynecologist.

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How to understand it? With the help of the doctor Veronica Cozzi, gynecologist at the Humanitas center for her of Humanitas San Piowe tried to identify what can cause the feeling of having a hard stomach during the different trimesters of pregnancy?

Hard belly during first trimester pregnancy

«The first trimester is extremely delicate because it is the moment of the plant – explains Dr. Cozzi. – It may therefore happen that women in this phase experience problems cramps in the uterus, muscle which, by changing, can contract. In this case it is a physiological condition.”

Not only. The feeling of having a hard or tight stomach in the first months of pregnancy may also be due to this to minor gastrointestinal disorders.

«In the first quarter the hormonal structure changes and this can cause a modification of the gastrointestinal system with symptoms such as bloating, feeling of heaviness and poor digestion – explains the gynecologist again. – Often women, at this stage, are unable to distinguish whether the swollen belly is due to a gastrointestinal cause rather than a contraction of the uterus. Not to mention that the increase in progesterone that occurs during pregnancy slows down intestinal motilitygiving rise to constipation, another factor that can cause abdominal swelling. Even the need to urinate more often can lead women to feel a sensation of discomfort” – explains Dr. Cozzi.

Hard belly in second trimester pregnancy

Small cramps and feeling of hard stomach they can also be felt in the second quarter.

«The uterus grows, the ligaments stretch and all the supporting systems of the uterus lengthen, to make room for the gestational chamber – explains the specialist. – The surrounding organs may also be affected: the intestine or bladder, for example, may be slightly compressed. At this stage it is normal the future mother feels a feeling of encumbrancewhich however should not cause concern because it is completely physiological.”

Hard stomach: when to worry?

«However, it is good to pay attention to some factors: if the sensation of having a hard stomach is frequent throughout the day and especially if it doesn’t go away even with rest it is good to undergo a check-up – recommends Dr. Cozzi. – The stomach is hard then associated with blood or fluid lossis the signal of a pathological condition that should not be overlooked and which may indicate a threat of miscarriage or, in the third trimester, premature birth.”

In the third quarter

In the last trimester of pregnancy, expectant mothers may experience a sensation of discomfort or tightening of the belly due to other causes.

«In this phase the baby now moves and its movements as well as its position in the uterus can cause discomfort – explains the gynecologist. – Not only that, in the third quarter It is normal for the uterus to begin to contract: are the contractions of Braxton Hicks, that is, those preparatory to labor. It’s about physiological contractions which are not generally associated with changes in the cervix.”

Stomach hard during pregnancy all day

hard belly during pregnancy

Also in this case However, it is good to pay attention to some factors.

«If the contractions occur two or three times during the day there is no need to worry but However, if they are frequent, painful and do not go away even with rest, it is important to undergo a check-up – underlines the expert. – He will indeed go excluding the presence of urinary tract infections, with urine culture and vaginal swabs. Vaginal or bladder infections, such as cystitis, can in fact cause uterine hyperactivity if they are not treated and, for this very reason, they represent a problemthere was a threat of premature birth. During the visit, you will also be able to perform a transvaginal ultrasound evaluate the length of the cervix and thus verify whether the contractile activity has had any effects, i.e. whether the uterus has shortened or opened. The visit is therefore important to understand if i reported symptoms by the future mother can be traced back to one physiological condition or if instead I am the spy of one threat of premature birth».

What remedies?

Finally, it is good to keep a few in mind remedies which, in case of a hard or tight stomach, can be helpful soothe the discomfort.

«The first thing is the rest – suggests Dr. Cozzi. – It’s good then refrain from working, do not lift weights and do not have intercourse. In short, avoid all those situations that you can cause uterine hyperkinesis. Instead, those activities that help are recommended to relax and to rest the muscles: a a hot bath or showerfor example, a little bit of yoga or just lie down in bed. One is also fundamental good hydration which helps slow down uterine activity. If then, even with rest, the contractions persist and the discomfort doesn’t go awaythe advice remains that of contact your gynecologist for a control without waiting for the routine visit».

