Happy day of Pınar Altuğ-Yağmur Atacan couple! Their daughter Su graduated

Pınar Altuğ, who is remembered with the character of ‘Meltem’, which he gave life to in the TV series ‘Children Do Not Hear’, entered the world house in 2008 with actor Yağmur Atacan, just like himself. The beautiful actress, who took her daughter Su in her arms in 2009, shared her happiness with her followers with the last photo she posted on her social media account. Altuğ congratulated his daughter who graduated from secondary school with the pose she published.

Pınar Altuğ, who has been away from the screens for a long time and does not fall off the agenda with her social media posts, has been a guest of the YouTube program presented by Armağan Çağlayan in the past months and she will look when she sees a beautiful woman, with the statement “When I see a beautiful woman and when I see a beautiful man, I both show it to my husband and take care of myself”. had drawn attention. Altuğ said, “If there is something to look at, it is looked at. It is already opened so that it can be looked at”.


Afterwards, he celebrated the new age of Yağmur Atacan, who he got married to in 2008, with the photo he published on his social media account. The beautiful actress, the mother of a child, who expresses her love for her husband at every opportunity, shared; “Happy birthday darling” had dropped the note.


Pınar Altuğ, who had a launch event in Asmalımescit in the past weeks, chatted with reporters. Altuğ had said that they would go to the summer vacation late because their daughter Su had exams. Pınar Altuğ said that May 19 was a double holiday for them and asked the reporters, “What gift did you get for Mr. Yagmur?”; “Do you think I should say that?” he replied.


Pınar Altuğ, who was seen for the first time with his new all-electric vehicle with a market price of 2.5 million TL, answered the questions about the career choices of their daughter Su, who was born in 2009, “She has a predisposition to acting, but we are behind her whatever she wants to be”. had given.


The beautiful actress, who made a name for herself with her social media posts, finally shared her happiness with her followers. The daughters of the famous couple, Su, graduated from secondary school yesterday. The famous actress shared her family pose with the note ‘Good luck my beautiful girl’.
