Happy birthday to Prince George! The 10 years of the future king of England

NoBorn in London on July 22, 2013, today Prince George Alexander Louis of Wales celebrates his milestone birthday on holiday, in a location kept secret at court. Traditionally, at the home of the Princes of Wales, Mum Kate bakes a cake the night before, decorating it herself.

And the party with schoolmates always takes place in the garden, even in case of rain, because, as his father William recently said, “George looks like a caged animal if he is not given the opportunity to spend hours outside in the open air”.

George and Charlotte go wild: they sing and dance at the concert for King Charles

Prince George turns 10 (as heir to the throne)

However, while birthdays always follow family traditions, George’s Royal role is setting precedents that until recently would have been nothing short of unthinkable. Starting from the fact that the little prince – now second in line of succession, Led Zeppelin-like rock enthusiast and great football fan (his team is the same as his father’s, Aston Villa) – is already forced to do the working Royal.

George, the real rebel at the Coronation

Over the past two years, his composed and dignified behavior has already made him the protagonist of important events, such as the funeral of his great-grandmother Elisabetta and the Coronation of King Charles, on May 6th, in which he made history by playing the role of a page at an age that had hitherto been considered too young. And she immediately broke another habit: instead of wearing the traditional shorts, he asked his grandfather Carlo to allow him to wear long trousers. Wish immediately fulfilled.

George celebrates Carlos Alcaraz’s victory at the Wimbledon final against Novak Djokovic, London, July 16, 2023 (WireImage)

William and Kate want to protect him at all costs

In short, the little one was forced to grow up quickly and get used to paparazzi and long, solemn and complicated ceremonies. Sometimes he is accompanied by his little sister Charlotte, 8 years old, and less often by his naughty brother Louis, 5, who tries to calm down as best he can, often looking rather embarrassed. But George is always next to his parents William and Kate, ready to protect their firstborn. Even at the cost of annoying Buckingham Palace.

George with his sister Charlotte at Wimbledon, July 16, 2023 (WireImage)

Prince George, a future king free and different

As for George and the preparation for his future on the throne, the prince and princess of Wales have pretty clear ideas, forcing Buckingham Palace to comply. In fact, despite having consented to the desire of Charles’ advisers to make George more present at court, due to the sudden shortage of working Royals able to represent the king or keep him company on the balcony when the occasion calls for it, William and Kate are doing everything to prepare their son to one day become a different and freer king than the previous ones.

George with his father William and little sister Charlotte during a visit to a British Royal Air Force base, July 14, 2023 (Getty Images)

George will also be able to get a job, but only before becoming king

William and Kate want to avoid repeating past mistakes at all costs. For this, before becoming king, Prince George will have the opportunity to follow his interests and also choose a working occupation, making themselves financially independent as their brother and sister will almost certainly do as well. At least until he himself has to take the throne of England.

Prince George may not be in the military

When William succeeds Charles, George will inherit the title of Prince of Wales from his father and with it will take over the management of the duchy of cornwall, the family business. If he wishes, he can also avoid pursuing a military career, as all the heirs to the throne before him did, including William and Charles. George himself will decide it when he has reached the right age.

Will George follow the example of great-grandmother Elizabeth? Maybe not

A controversial decision, that of not obliging him to do military service, which breaks a centuries-old tradition and which immediately attracted criticism: the monarch also has the role of head of the British armed forces, specify the British Royal Watchers, and George should prove that he is somehow one of the troops. Inspired, perhaps, by the great-grandmother Elisabetta who, during the Second World War, engaged in the Territorial Auxiliary Service of the British forces, completing a driver and mechanic training.

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