Happy birthday to Michele Rech. The Christmas Theme of Zerocalcare

StOnly Michele Rech could have chosen to be called Zerocalcare, inspired by an advertising refrain. Just look into his eyes to understand that there is a hospitable and secluded green, so deep that you get lost inside.

Michele Rech, aka Zerocalcare, was born on December 12, 1983 (photo Getty Images).

But he is already ready to resurface with the irony and frankness of his Sun in Sagittarius conjunct Jupiter and Neptune. Perfect formula between smile outside and intensity inside.

In his Horoscope it is a sensitive Moon in the mutable sign of Pisces that gives voice to the Armadillospeaking wise conscience that, with pungent tones, teases and revives him.

How many abysses reached with Tear along the edges, Netflix’s first Italian animated series, a poignant manifesto of our tics, loneliness, profound discomforts. And his soul is so delicate that it makes room for everyone in the Christmas theme, even a Saturn united with Venus in Scorpio which translates into a reserve that does not give in to the jaws of success.

How much balance in his Mars in Libra that comes forward along the line that can be torn up to discover the sense of unease that lives there. And what tenacity in flying to Iraq to shake consciences with his latest book No Sleep Till Shengal.

“No Sleep Till Shengal”, the latest book by Zerocalcare (Bao Publishing).

It will be a probable Virgo ascendant who will keep his distance from the spotlight, to remain with the gaze on the paper to give life to those who have remained in the darkness of the ink: «I can’t find outside what I lack inside». A giant.

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