Happiness is also learned by studying. And it seems to work

IS so from the times of the times, but certainly with the pandemic, the need for happiness has grown out of all proportion, to the point that to find it, it is also sought in universities where, in fact, positive psychology courses are very successful.

Ikigai: 7 happiness exercises

Happiness, we also try to study it

Across the Atlantic now study how to improve your lifehas become a phenomenon, so much so that online courses are even offered by prestigious universities such as those of the Ivy League.

To Harvard the course “Leadership and Happiness“Has 180 seats available and to the public that remains outside, always very numerous, offers virtual lessons to the excluded.

At the Stanford Universityalthough optional, an emotional intelligence course for future managers, which takes into account both professional and human dimensions, is followed by 95% of the students of the master in business administration.

TO YaleI am 3.8 million subscribers around the world at the course “The Science of Well-Being“Founded by psychologist Laurie Santos and 65 million downloads of her podcast” Happiness Lab “.

Because the courses on happiness are so attended

In short, the pursuit of happiness and the thought that someone can teach us how to ensure it has an unparalleled charm. And courses that promise just that are really hard to give up.

Why they are so followed explains it a study just posted on Plos One led by Bruce Hood, professor of cognitive psychology at the University of Bristol. THEThe professor, after two years of positive psychology course, registered the level of mental well-being of students at various times of the year including lockdown months. The result was that during the pandemic the online course had a very positive effect on mood with decreased anxiety and depression, compared to other students.

We only change what we can

The philosophy behind each lesson is that there are things we cannot change, from genes to what happens to us, but there are others that we can change instead. And the first ever it is the way of reacting and responding to what happens.

Homework and the importance of taking action

In addition, there are the “Homeworks”By which we mean the actions to be performed every day, such as daily acts of kindness, dedicating part of the time to others, writing down the things that have pleased us before forgetting them, and so on.

But of course also sharing and discussions between students they are fundamental because they allow us to deal with the outside world by receiving the stimulus to act, because the key concept is to take action and put into practice what you learn.

