Hans Klok vomited to defend Ali B: ‘It’s really outrageous!’

It is time for Hans Klok to go deep into the dust now that Ali B is actually being prosecuted for rape, says opinion maker Victor Vlam. “I really have a very bad feeling about it.”


Hans Klok has a positive image, but some cracks are beginning to appear. He regularly jumps into the breach for celebrities who have shown misconduct. For example, he has defended Ali B by suggesting that there is no case against him at all. “Yes, he may not have been such a good boy, but who was?”

“Hans, say sorry!”

According to Hans, it is simply ‘a hype to pillory famous people’. uh, a hype? Ali B is now being prosecuted by the Public Prosecution Service for three counts of sexual assault and rape. It is evident that the magician has been much too premature here, says opinion maker Victor Vlam in the podcast The Communicados.

Now it’s time for Hans to go deep into the dust, says Victor. “Hans Klok is someone who has really exonerated Ali B but also other people time and time again. I just really want to make an appeal here: Hans Klok, just apologize for these premature statements. This is simply not possible. You have to stop.”

‘This was too premature’

Hans has seriously overdone himself and, according to Victor, this cannot remain without consequences. “Also indicate to the victims that you should not have said this at this time. These statements about Ali B, they were just premature.”

Victor points out that Hans has also made similar statements about the cases of Danny de Munk and Marco Borsato. “Time after time, Hans Klok sits there defending his friends. Really time and time again. And I really feel unwell about it. I think it’s outrageous that he does that over and over again.”


Apparently Hans does not know what he is doing, according to the opinion maker. “I understand that these people are his friends and he probably thinks: I stand up for my friends, but what you are implicitly saying is that those who have reported are people who are liars. That they do not speak the truth.”

He continues: “And he always says that on a very large platform. He always says that on television, he says that in magazines. And all those women, of course they do feel that. They really feel that reproach. I really feel bad.”

‘This is problematic’

Celebrities like Hans should keep their mouths shut, Victor decides. “Publicly speaking about whether the case is correct or not, in my opinion, you simply should not give in to that. Because you can’t say anything about it. That’s just the big problem. Often the argument is: ‘Yes, but so and so is terribly nice’, but that argument does not hold, of course.”

“Nice people can sometimes do very unkind things in a different situation. So I think that’s really problematic. You are not going to publicly call such a victim a liar.”


The latest episode of De Communicado’s:
