Hans Klok scolds Bridget Maasland completely rotten: ‘Old k*twijf!’

Bridget Maasland has been tackled countless times by Hans Klok, but he has never gone as extreme as now on the RTL Boulevard star. “That bitch is shameless. It’s a mutt!”


The rant at Bridget Maasland is now really starting to reflect a bit negatively on Hans Klok. To an outsider, it has become plausible that Bridget did not behave properly towards the deceased bonus mother of her son, but to constantly scold her for it in public? In any case, it is not very chic from Hans.

Misbehaving Bridget

Hans states that Bridget misbehaved in a horrific way towards Nathalie Hoop, who was his magic assistant for many years. Until her tragic death – she was only 43 years old – Nathalie had a love affair with Pepijn Padberg, Bridget’s ex and the father of her son Mees. It is unfortunately never a harmonious one contemporary family become.

During Nathalie’s illness – she was struck by cancer – Hans lashed out at Bridget for the first time, because she would never have shown compassion. On the day of Nathalie’s death, Bridget posted an announcement for her program Hotter Than My Daughter on Instagram. That led to very strong criticism.

Hans goes loose

Over the years, Hans has delivered quite a few verbal slaps to Bridget, but he has never raged as he is now. Apparently there was drink in the man, because all brakes are released under one Instagram post with an old fragment of Bridget as a presenter of De Weakste Schakel. In it she lashes out at a candidate who looks a bit older.

Douwe Bob writes under that post: “She is not new herself.”

Hans then: “It is old babe!”

Reading texts

When someone comments that Bridget thinks she is everything, Hans says: “She can read texts on a screen. What does she do herself? Read some texts. A good carpenter is worth gold.”

One Waas: “What a tut. They can’t all plastic surgeries and afford botox. Such a comment is simply not polite.”

Hans: “Exactly! (…) Shameless, it really is a mutt!”

When Diva Mayday remarks that the candidate does indeed look a bit stale, Hans says: “But that that bitch says that is really shameless!”

Hans responds

Well, that must have relieved Hans. But eh, is it okay? Show news asks him. “Yeah, maybe that wasn’t helpful, but… Well, okay, that’s done, you know. It hit me then, yes. But I never heard her side of the story, did I? I never spoke to her. I have only always heard it from Nathalie and I believe that side.”

Hans also points out Bridget’s behavior towards Nathalie in his book that will be released in September. “Bridget has said very ugly things. I just have those emails, but that’s not in my book. She is a good mother to Mees and I respect that. She need not be afraid, because the real story is never written.”
