Hans Klok passed hard by RTL 4, not in Holland’s Got Talent

Despite a good audition, Hans Klok was not selected for a place on the jury of Holland’s Got Talent. “No Unfortunately. I honestly expected that I would be,” he responds.


Actually, Hans Klok had already set his sights on a place in the jury of the RTL 4 hit Holland’s Got Talent. The talent show indeed seems to suit him, but the channel has chosen someone else. And that while there are no fewer than three places to fill due to the departure of Ali B, Angela Groothuizen and Paul de Leeuw.

‘No Unfortunately’

Hans auditioned in November, but didn’t make it. “No Unfortunately. I honestly expected that I would be, because the audition went well and I can tell you nice about it,” he says in the Weekend.

He thinks he would have been of added value. “Singers know a lot about song and music, but not about circus and variety shows, juggling, magic, magic, throwing knives and roller skating numbers, and I do.”

Patricia surprised

One thing is certain: Hans is a real expert in variety shows. “My team was able to win the Silver Clown, which is one of the highest awards in Monte Carlo and which we received from Princess Stéphanie. So I know a bit about the visual entertainment world.”

“I happened to talk about it yesterday with Patricia Paay, she was on the jury of HGT. She didn’t understand either and said, “But you know so much about it.” I’m really sorry, maybe I should call later.”
