Hans Klok lashes out at Özcan Akyol: ‘He is not an A star’

Hans Klok lashes out at Özcan Akyol. The illusionist thinks that the presenter is just jealous of celebrities who have earned tons in the past year with advertisements for gambling companies.


We will no longer see celebrities in gambling advertisements. The government has restricted that and Hans Klok is not happy about that. He made pretty good money off it. Özcan thinks it’s a good thing. He denounces stars who ‘figure in inferior advertisements of dubious companies’.

‘Eus is jealous!’

Hans thinks Özcan is a jealous man. “I think Eus isn’t being asked for it himself and is just jealous because he isn’t well known enough. For big commercials they only ask A names”, he laughs in the Weekend.

Özcan focused his criticism on Ellie Lust in particular. Hans agrees with that. “I can do some of that. It is difficult with Ellie, she has a social position in society. She stands for order, that people obey the law. So a gambling commercial doesn’t really suit her.”

‘It is nonsense’

zcan’s criticism is also mostly nonsensical, says Hans. “I think it’s nonsense, you just get a lot of money for it. I am a live performer and completely independent. I am not tied to an SBS 6, RTL or NPO. If I’m offered a commercial, I get so much money for it, you can’t beat that.”

Hans is missing out on tons now that he is no longer allowed to advertise TOTO. “I get about a ton at a time to advertise it. So a shame! I also thought TOTO would suit me, because Las Vegas depends on me anyway. I think it’s a pretty logical step.”


One thing is certain: Hans will not refund a cent. “I do understand that the government is now banning us, but again: I would have indicated that immediately. After all, TOTO has already paid that money to everyone.”

“And I don’t think Kim Feenstra, Wesley Sneijder, Andy van der Meijden, Hans Klok and associates will suddenly return it. I certainly don’t.”
