Hans Kazàn too weak to travel to the Netherlands

Hans was hospitalized in Marbella two weeks ago because he was severely weakened. His body has been rejecting all the food he ingests for weeks, so he is now forced to enter tube feeding and is on an IV. So far, the doctors at the hospital have not been able to discover anything.

Received help from the Netherlands

Wendy, Hans’s wife, has meanwhile agreed with him that if the doctors still have not discovered anything by the end of the week, they will go to another hospital for a second opinion. “I still assume that Hans will be fine in Spain, the healthcare here is of a high standard. However, help has now been provided from the Radboudumc hospital in Nijmegen,” said Wendy.

Comforting thought

An internist from Nijmegen, the daughter of a childhood friend of Hans, watches from a distance. For the illusionist, this is a comforting thought. “Of course I’m in good hands here, but I’m also happy with the offer from an internist from the Radboud hospital, who got in touch with me via LinkedIn. This lady specializes in stomach, intestinal and liver ailments and wants to have the research results emailed every day, so that she can watch.”

Source: Telegraph

March 16, 2022
