Hans and Jet Lugies from Oosterhesselen have been married for 60 years. Couple celebrates milestone on Saturday at Café Deen in their own brinkdorp

They will receive a visit from mayor Renze Bergsma this afternoon and will celebrate a party in Café Deen on Saturday. Hans (86) and 84-year-old Jet Lugies from Oosterhesselen have been married for 60 years today. The couple currently resides in residential care center De Etgaarde.

Hans was born on the street Middendorp in a beautiful part of the green village of Oosterhesselen. Until the move to De Etgaarde – last March – he always lived there. Jet was born in Schalkhaar, near Deventer. They first met at the Colmschater party in Colmschate. At the time, Hans was working as a cattle dealer in that region and was living in Bathmen. Jet’s father was a customer of Hans.

As a couple, Hans and Jet went to live in Oosterhesselen. “I had built up my own clientele here as a cattle trader and I also had a farm,” says Hans. Later he devoted himself completely to the cattle trade. Meanwhile, Jet was home to take care of the family and helped Hans on the farm.

Former municipality of Oosterhesselen

Jet served on the board of the Women of Now and local handball club Vivendi. Later she was a volunteer in De Etgaarde. For a long time she also organized the collection for the Asthma Fund in the former municipality of Oosterhesselen.

When Jet had some more time, she liked to write stories. Sometimes true and sometimes fictional. She sometimes read those stories in De Etgaarde as part of her volunteer work. At a later age, Jet faithfully went to gymnastics in De Etgaarde”, says Hans. The eighty-year-old loved playing cards in his (scarce) free time. At home he found his peace in reading books. In addition, Hans has played stage for many years with the Jan Naarding association.

Hans and Jet Lugies have a son and two daughters. In addition, they have six grandchildren.
