Hannover 96 prepares for Gerhard Schröder’s expulsion

Hanover (dpa) – The parent club of Hanover 96 threatens former chancellor Gerhard Schröder because of his Russia relations with the expulsion.

“We will now examine to what extent Mr. Schröder may have violated the interests of the association,” said a senior employee of the Hanover Sports Association of 1896. A letter was sent to the former chancellor in which he was asked for a statement. First the “image” reported about it.

Child: “Mr. Schröder may continue to attend games”

96 boss Martin Kind had previously claimed that Schröder was not a member of 96 and bought his tickets as a regular customer. “We are a constitutional state with a democracy and of course we have to observe the legal norms. Mr. Schröder can continue to attend games, we do not forbid him entry.” The background to the contradictory statements is probably the special division at Hannover 96 into a parent association that acts as a non-profit organization and the outsourced corporation, which Martin Kind heads as managing director and whose supervisory board chairman Schröder was from December 2016 to June 2019.

After the discussions about Schröder and his close relationship with Russia, second division football club Hannover 96 does not want to ban its well-known fan from playing. “He has a box with some friends, which he can of course continue to use because he pays for his places within this team. Gerhard Schröder is not an issue for us right now,” said 96 boss Kind at “sport1.de”.

Hanover fan Schröder has been criticized for his close connection to Russian President Vladimir Putin, also because he does not want to give up his position as head of the supervisory board at the Russian state energy company Rosneft. Borussia Dortmund revoked Schröder’s honorary membership on Wednesday with immediate effect.
