Hannie Schaft’s birthday is celebrated annually in the cells of the Culture Dome

None other than Hannie Schaft will be at the center of one of the first events of the Culture Dome this Saturday. The intention has always been to open the old prison to all Haarlem residents through culture. All these cultural expressions have one thing in common: they are about lack of freedom and freedom. Something that the former prisoner in the Dome, Hannie Schaft, fought for.

Photo: Celebration of Hannie Schaft’s birthday in Koepel – NH News

Frits Barend, journalist and someone who knows everything about the (short) life of resistance heroine Hannie Schaft, and Sophie Poldermans, author of the book ‘Desnoods met Wapens’, about the three resistance friends Hannie Schaft and Truus and Freddie Oversteegen, have their say. during the celebration on Saturday. There is also room for poetry and music. And two artists exhibit in two prison cells.

Exhibit in a cell

These culture cells are a permanent part of the Culture Dome and each exhibition has a link with freedom and unfreedom. “It still gives me goosebumps,” says initiator Jacqueline van de Sande. For example, the Iranian artist Parisa Akbarzadehpoladi, who was in captivity in Iran, is now exhibiting in one of the cells.”

“We have space, we have special light and we have a super historic building”

Jacqueline van de Sande, Cultural Organization Foundation

Jacqueline Van de Sande has carefully started planning events in the Cultural Dome for the summer. The former prison has been an educational stronghold, a place for innovative entrepreneurs and a film umbrella organization for some time now. The cultural role of the Dome has always been a dream of Jacqueline. During each presentation about the plans, it was indicated that in this way the building would really be opened up and made accessible to everyone.

“We are not a cultural institution, not a theater, not a museum or concert hall,” says Jacqueline. “But we do have space, we have exceptional light and we have a super historic building.” According to her, it should become a place of development and connection. “It must be open for Haarlem.”

“In June we started with a dance performance on Midsummer Night,” says Jacqueline. “It hasn’t been announced in a big way yet, but it was very special. When the sun set, the performance started.”

Watch an impression below.

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The intention is that the birthday of Hannie Schaft from Haarlem will be celebrated annually with a cultural event in the Koepel. “That is the place to do that,” says Jacqueline.

It is hardly a coincidence that this year the birthday of Hannie Schaft (September 16, 1920, ed.) coincides with the start of the national Peace Week. And it is more than fitting that Ukrainian artists and musicians are allowed to celebrate her birthday. For example, Maria Vashchuk has her exhibition in the second culture cell. And a small delegation from the Ukraine Liberation Orchestra will perform.

Orchestra of refugee musicians

The orchestra gives a preview of the grand performance on September 24 in the Dome, at the end of Peace Week. The group of musicians was formed in a reception center in Deventer, where conductor Jeroen Weierink attracted singers, string players, pianists and wind players who ended up in their home country in the Netherlands after the outbreak of war.

That concert will take place next weekend on Sunday, September 24. “Then we will have to close the building once, so that all visitors to this concert can watch the concert from the galleries of the cells. That will be so special,” thinks Jacqueline. “But you don’t actually want this orchestra to exist, with all those refugee musicians.”

The performance ‘COURAGE-MOED Birth Day Hannie Schaft’ starts on Saturday at 3:30 PM and lasts until approximately 5:30 PM. There are still tickets available via the Cultuurkoelme Haarlem website.
