Hannele Lauri commented on the decision on the state funeral

Actress Hannele Lauri believes that Vesa-Matti Loiri would not have wanted a state funeral.

According to Hannele Lauri, Loiri would not have wanted a big funeral. Inka Soveri

Actress Hannele Lauri commented on the Government’s decision Vesa-Matti Loirin in connection with the national funeral. Iltalehti reached the actor through messages.

– I think Vesku would have needed anything, but knowing him, he himself certainly wanted a small funeral, where the ashes are thrown into Lake Inarijärvi, Lauri emphasizes in his answer.

After Loir’s death, a discussion began about his funeral arrangements, and the Council of State considered whether a state funeral could be organized for the entertainment artist loved by Finns.

– Don’t worry, he certainly wouldn’t want any circus at his own funeral, Lauri replies.

Today, the Government announced that despite all the discussion, Loiri will not receive a proper state funeral. A State Council memorial wreath will be laid on his coffin.

Based on Lauri’s words, the decision is a relief for those close to him. Loiri would not have wanted a big funeral and no fuss about it.

Hannele Lauri and Vesa-Matti Loiri are sitting on a park bench in Tokoinranta in 2004. Jari Tertti
