Hanna’s colorful style deviates from the mainstream

Hanna Paananen, who lives in Helsinki, used to wear only black. Now that’s hard to believe.

Hairdresser Hanna Paananen, 31, dressed before so many other Finns. In almost every situation, he relied on black clothes.

This changed about a couple of years ago. Among other things, this was influenced by the fact that after starting the work as a hairdresser, black clothes were no longer a practical option. After the bleaching, orange stains started to appear on the clothes.

When she abandoned black clothes, Hanna’s style gradually became more and more colorful.

Hanna’s current style is described by the words colorful and rich. One feature is at the center of everything.

– I like comfort, so the clothes have to feel good to wear.

Hanna doesn’t trust any style rules. He usually dresses according to his mood. However, he wants the colors to harmonize beautifully and he thinks the look is beautiful.

– In my style, the idea that more is more comes true, Hanna says with a laugh.

It also shows.

Hanna’s colorful and rich style turns heads.

White is a color that goes with almost any other color.

“Dresses are the cornerstone of my style”

In autumn and winter, Hanna enjoys dressing in layers.

– Dresses are the cornerstone of my style, Hanna sums up.

In Hanna’s opinion, the only bad thing about dresses is that you should wear tights under them in the winter.

However, she hates tights and has gotten around this problem by wearing pants under her dress.

Another favorite outfit for autumn and winter is a dress and combined with a colorful sweater.

Thanks to layering, summer clothes will last well into autumn and winter.

Hanna says that it’s easy to start with pastel colors if you want more color in your outfit.

Hanna gets almost all her clothes from the flea market.

Hanna finds her clothes at the flea market

The colorful wardrobe is largely made up of clothes bought second-hand. Hanna enjoys going around the flea markets and making unique discoveries.

– If I need something, I primarily look for it used. However, if I can’t find it used, then I’ll buy it new, Hanna says.

When it comes to new clothes, he usually turns to domestic or Nordic brands. New acquisitions are also made only after a long consideration.

Sometimes Hanna also makes clothes herself. Training as a dressmaker is useful in expressing your own style.

Sometimes you can carry up to two bags with you.

Hanna advises that you can easily add color to an outfit with, for example, a scarf.

“I don’t have any rules”

Jewelry also plays a big role in Hanna’s style, although she admits that she is relatively minimalist when it comes to jewelry. Although she has sometimes rocked ten different necklaces at the same time.

However, she usually wears jewelry if the outfit leaves room for it. The jewelry ends up depending on the mood.

– I don’t have any rules, Hanna sums up.

Hanna likes to dress in layers. If you don’t see the embed, you can view the post from here.

Self-expression is important

Hanna feels that everyone can fulfill themselves when dressing exactly as they want.

– Dressing and self-expression are such important things.

In his own style, however, colorful clothes are in the center. Hanna has turned people’s heads with her clothes several times.

He likes to inspire and brighten people’s day with his colorful outfits.

– If you have the feeling that you want to wear colors, then you should boldly start wearing colors.

Hanna says that thanks to this jacket, heads have turned several times.

This adds color to your outfit

1. Accessories are an easy way to add color to your outfit, such as scarves, headbands and beanies.

2. Remember colorful socks!

3. Try pairing a colorful bottom or top with a neutral piece of clothing.

4. With the color white, even many colorful clothes look neutral and fresh.

5. Prefer pastel colors at first, if bright colors seem too much.

Colorful clothes and accessories bring cheer to even a gray day.

Hanna is inspired by their style

Hanna thinks it’s nice to admire outfits created by people.

– It’s nice to see wild combinations. They often make me feel inspired, Hanna says.

He told a few dressers whose style he is particularly strongly inspired by. Hanna admires the bold, inventive and wild use of colors by these fashion influencers.

I live in Copenhagen Pernille Rosenkilden the style is inventive. If you don’t see the embed, you can view the post from here.

Stylist Janka Polliani skillfully combines colors and clothes. If you don’t see the embed, you can view the post from here.

Fashion influencer Anna Seyser not afraid of colors. If you don’t see the embed, you can view the post from here.

Photos: Hanna’s home album.
