Hanna Sumari’s easy Tuscan-style salmon

You always succeed with Hanna Sumari’s salmon recipe.

The creamy sauce served with the salmon is really delicious. Hanna Sumari

Journalist and cookbook writer Hanna Sumari recommends a salmon dish, the recipe of which should be hidden behind the ear.

It is exactly what we always long for: very delicious, easy and quick. The food will be ready in minutes.

– Tuscan-style salmon is my old recipe, which I make every now and then. It’s so good that I decided to upload it now as well to my blogSumari says.

Sumari laughs that this recipe is so precise that if you follow it, you will surely succeed.

– And the portion even looks exactly like the picture. Ilo is a recipe that is easy, quick and tastes good.

Tuscan-style salmon is prepared quickly. The only thing that takes time is cooking the potatoes – provided you want to eat potatoes with the salmon.

When the salmon cooks for six minutes on one side and two on the other side, you have time to split the mini plum tomatoes.

The salmon is fried with a crispy surface and the fish is juicy and just right on the plate.

Sumari always rinses the pan after frying the salmon, so that the burnt and bitter-tasting fat does not spoil the sauce.

The sauce tastes like tomato, spinach, basil and parmesan.

Tuscan-style salmon

(for four)

4 pieces of boneless salmon fillet each 150-200 g

2 tablespoons of olive oil


black pepper


3 tablespoons of butter

3 grated garlic cloves

300 g of split mini plum tomatoes

80 g baby spinach (two large handfuls)

2 dl whipping or cooking cream

1.5 dl freshly grated parmesan

1 dl chopped herbs, such as parsley and basil

grated zest of an organic lemon

1. Cut off the thin belly part of the fillet pieces so that you get beautiful and evenly thick pieces that cook evenly.

2. Cut off the thin belly part of the fillet pieces so that you get nice and evenly thick pieces that cook evenly.

3. Season the fish pieces with salt and black pepper.

4. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the fish pieces skin side up. Fry in a hot pan for about 6 minutes, turn and fry for another 2 minutes with the skin side against the pan. Then transfer the fish to a plate to wait.

5. Rinse the pan and put butter on it and melt it on medium heat, when it has melted add grated garlic and swirl it in the pan for a minute. Add the halved tomatoes and season them with salt and black pepper. When the tomatoes soften a little, add the spinach and fry it for a few minutes until it shrinks.

6. Then add the cream, parmesan and herbs and let the mixture bubble for a few (2-3) minutes.

7. Then add the fish pieces to the mixture, skin side down, and let them heat up in the sauce for a minute. However, be careful not to overcook the fish or it will become dry.

8. Grate the peel of a well-washed organic lemon over the food.

Source: Hanna Sumari

The story was originally published on 25 October 2021.
