Hanging on Times Square rondlopen may never be longer | Buitenland

Op en round Times Square, het known square in New York, zijn wapens vanaf donderdag not more toegelaten. Because of this, other places in the city of New York, in the known state, are also hidden from view in the ground. Report that to the plaatselijke autoriteiten Wednesday.

De wetgeving was deze zomer planned in a reaction to de beslissing van het Hoogrechteshof, in June, the het grondwettelijke right van Americaen om Hun huizen wapended te verlaten vastlegde.

“The beslissing was een schot dat in de hele wereld weerklank vond”, says Eric Adams, vandaag burgemeester van New York maar eerder politiecommissaris. The third part of the ware is for him a priority.

Governor Kathy Hochul said that there would be money for cafes, libraries, schools, public services and cities in the state. Ze show that you are not willing to do so because you are obliged to do so by the New Yorkers.

Het verbod not money for the order services.
